Yes, I definitely do. The truth is, writing is my immediate response to trauma—on the evening of September 11, 2001, I was unable to sleep until I'd written about my experience that day in downtown Manhattan. Writing offers me a process I can control in the midst of some great force majeure which I cannot.
I had a similar issue when my paternal grandmother died. She was a very difficult person to like: ungenerous, judgmental, a holder of grudges. My brother and I represented the family at the funeral, which was held across the country from our home. I acted less admirably than you in that situation, however: I simply didn't say anything.
I'm not sure if you read Solomon on my page or at Plotz, but if the former please consider checking out the latter at It's been dormant for a couple of years (I've found it very hard to write humor since November 2016) but you might enjoy some of the material that's there.